Moldova’s breakaway Transnistria asks Russia for "protection"

  • 29 February, 08:18

Officials from the pro-Moscow separatist leadership in Moldova's Transnistria region have requested Russian "protection," with Moscow emphasizing that assisting Transnistria residents is a top priority.
This appeal comes amid concerns that the heightened tensions over the territory could create a new source of contention in Moscow's ongoing conflict with its neighboring country, Ukraine.
A specific congress in the region reportedly adopted a resolution on the matter on Wednesday. According to local media, officials plan to request the Russian Federation Council and the State Duma to "take actions to safeguard Transnistria against growing pressures from Moldova." The resolution, passed during the secretive special congress, marks only the seventh in Transnistria's history and the first since 2006. The 2006 congress led to deputies announcing a referendum on integration with Russia, which received overwhelming support.

"The decisions of the current congress cannot be ignored by the international community," the "foreign policy chief" of the self-styled republic, Vitaly Ignatiev, told the meeting. Ignatiev did not indicate what those decisions would be.

The appeal for Russia to assist Transnistria's economy in resisting Moldovan "pressure" was put forth following a gathering of hundreds of officials in the unrecognized region.

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