Azerbaijan, Iran to hold joint military drills

  • 12 June, 09:13

Azerbaijan and its southern neighbor Iran will hold joint tactical drills in line with the training plan for 2024, Azerbaijan Defence Ministry reported. The exercises will be conducted on Wednesday simultaneously in Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan and exclave and in the territory of Iran.

The exercise that involves personnel, equipment, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles, will focus on enhancing the professionalism and decision-making skills of commanders, as well as improving inter-unit communication, the ministry said. 

According to the agreement reached between Azerbaijan and Iran, tactical exercises will be held simultaneously on the territory of the neighboring state with the involvement of the relevant forces and assets of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic.  During the exercises in both countries, various tasks will be carried out in a coordinated manner to protect strategic facilities and communication lines from possible sabotage and subversive actions.

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