Ukraine launches mass raids to conscript more men into army

  • 13 October, 06:28

Ukraine’s conscription squads have carried out massive raids in several cities of the country to mobilize more men into the army.

In the latest of such efforts, the conscription squad raided a concert hall in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv. Fifty employees of the military administration body Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support inspected documents of male concert-goers and took some of them away from the area in a car.  

Elsewhere, raids were carried out in several restaurants and cafes if Kharkiv city. Videos circulated on social media showed conscription officers pushing males into buses and taking them to an unknown destination. Yet another raid was carried out in Odessa city.

Ukraine’s new conscription law that was introduced in May has been pushing a large number of Ukrainian males into hiding. The law stipulates that every man aged between 25 and 60 log their details on an electronic database so they can be mobilized. Conscription officers are on the hunt for those avoiding the register.

The issue of mobilization has been causing tension among Ukrainians. There have been widespread reports of conscription officers taking bribes from men who refused to serve in the army. Some people are also skeptical that they will not receive proper military training after being called up to the army.

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