Over 500 children killed in Ukraine since start of Russian invasion

  • 30 May, 08:40

Ukraine's General Prosecutor's Office says that 547 children were killed and 1,354 others were injured in Ukraine since Russia launched its full-fledged invasion of the country in February 2022.

The latest confirmed child victim is a 4-year-old girl who died on May 23 after being injured in Russian shelling of Odessa on April 29.

On May 13, UNICEF, the UN children's fund, said at least 1,993 children in Ukraine have been killed or injured since the start of the invasion. The organization said the true number is likely much higher.

Russian attacks have also destroyed infrastructure children in Ukraine rely on. The UN reported in April that within the first three months of the year, thousands of homes, 36 health facilities and 140 educational facilities have been either damaged or destroyed.

It should be noted that Russia is also implicated in the abduction of Ukrainian children during the course of its war in the country. The International Criminal Court issued an international arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin last year over his alleged role in the mass abduction of Ukrainian children. Some have argued that the abductions qualify as genocide. The arrest warrant follows reports about Ukrainian children in occupied territories being taken to Russia, and even being adopted by Russian families. Russia has presented the children’s deportation as a humanitarian mission to save children from the war, while Ukraine has accused Russia of committing a war crime.

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