Georgia’s Abkhazia mulls constitutional amendments to abolish prime minister position

  • 10 June, 07:38

Parliament in Georgia’s breakaway Abkhazia region has started discussions over constitutional amendments to abolish the Cabinet of Ministers and prime ministerial position.

The proposed constitutional amendments, stemming from recommendations by the Presidential Commission on Constitutional Reform, have sparked controversy, particularly regarding the power to dissolve parliament. While the amendments initially excluded this provision, the president’s administration has now added it, raising concerns among experts and deputies about potential abuse of power.

The proposed changes would require parliamentary approval for ministerial appointments, a shift from the current system. However, the most contentious element remains the president’s ability to dissolve parliament if more than one-third of ministerial positions remain unfilled after three rejections of candidates by the legislature.

The amendments also grant the president authority over the structure of government ministries and the definition of the vice president’s role, previously undefined. These proposals, while aimed at improving governance, have raised fears of an imbalance of power and potential misuse of the president’s expanded authority.


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