Iranian official offers striking Israeli embassy in Azerbaijan

  • 3 April, 14:31

A member of Iran’s parliament, Jalal Rashidi Kuchi, has proposed to strike Israel’s Embassy in Azerbaijan in retaliation for Israel’s deadly attack on Iranian consulate building in Syria.

“My proposal is to openly and directly target the diplomatic representation of the "Zionists" in one of the diplomatic centres of the regional countries, preferably in Azerbaijan," Kuchi wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter on Tuesday.

The MP said Iran must be quick to retaliate for the April 1 attack on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus that killed 14 people, including two commanders of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"Procrastination, patience, and delay in giving a decisive and similar response to the military attack of the "Zionists" on Iranian territory under any title is equivalent to a heavy blow to the reputation and honour of the great name of Iran,” the MP wrote.

Iran has pledged to retaliate for the attack on its diplomatic building in Damascus. Earlier, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said that Iran “reserves the right to carry out a reaction and will decide on the type of response and the punishment of the aggressor”.

It should be noted that the diplomatic ties between Iran and its northern neighbour Azerbaijan were severed in January 2023 after deadly attack on Azerbaijani Embassy in Iran. The head of embassy’s security office was killed and two guards were injured as a gunman broke into the embassy’s building on January 27. Azerbaijan recalled its embassy after the attack and disregarded Iran’s offers to restore diplomatic ties. Another point of friction between the two neighbouring countries has been Azerbaijan’s allied ties with Israel. In turn, Baku has accused Tehran of supporting its arch enemy Armenia in its conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

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