Georgia adopts “foreign agents” law as parliament overrides president’s veto

  • 28 May, 15:08

Despite widespread international criticism and weeks of protests, the Georgian parliament has passed the controversial “foreign agents” law. The law, which requires media outlets and NGOs receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as “foreign agents,” was approved despite President Salome Zourabichvili’s veto.

The legislation has been met with strong condemnation from the EU, UN, NATO, and the US, with Washington imposing travel sanctions on individuals connected to the bill. The EU has expressed deep regret over the law’s passage and is considering further action. The law’s enactment has been criticized for hindering media freedom The “foreign agents” law has faced significant backlash from the international community. The EU, UN, NATO, and the US have all condemned the legislation, with the US imposing travel sanctions on individuals involved in its passage. The EU has expressed deep disappointment and is considering further actions. Critics argue that the law will stifle media freedom and hinder civil society in Georgia.

The Georgian government has defended the “foreign agents” law, claiming it is essential for transparency and to counter foreign actors seeking to destabilize the country.

However, critics have denounced the law as a “Russian law” due to its resemblance to measures used by Moscow to suppress independent media and dissent. They argue that the bill is designed to appease Russia and restrict media freedom in the run-up to Georgia’s parliamentary elections in October.

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