Foreign agents bill submitted to Abkhazia parliament

  • 10 February, 04:41

Abkhazia’s president Aslan Bzhaniya has proposed a draft bill that would label as “foreign agent” any individual or organization receiving funding from abroad, applying restrictions on their activities.

The draft law on “Foreign Agents” was submitted to the parliament on February 6 amid condemnation from local organizations and individuals.  

The explanatory note accompanying the bill states that it would ensure a swift response to foreign involvement in the republic and protect Abkhazia’s security and interests.

If adopted, the bill would restrict the work of civil society members. Namely, under the draft bill, organisations and individuals deemed foreign agents would be banned from participating in politics, organising protests and rallies, and receiving state funds. Moreover, journalists declared foreign agents would lose their licenses and would be unable to renew their state accreditation.

The bill is expected to stifle dissent and is part of efforts towards harmonization of Russian and Abkhazian legislations. The law mirrors Russia’s 2012 “foreign agent” law that has been used to restrain the activities of Russia’s civil society and journalists.  

Other 46 laws proposed within the “harmonization” have also proven controversial, particularly laws pertaining to obtaining Abkhazian citizenship and acquiring property ownership by foreign citizens.

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